Graduate Recruitment Online Webinar Program

The graduate recruitment webinar series program is an online information session to promote specific program details to prospective students. The graduate recruitment team in the Office of Admissions will partner with you to host these events and provide support for your recruitment efforts. 

Department considerations

When considering if using a webinar platform is the right activity for your recruitment efforts, keep the following questions in mind. These will be helpful when discussing with the graduate recruitment team.

When to schedule the webinar?

  • Is this to affect enrollment/application for the next term?
  • How much time do we need to promote it?
  • Is there an application deadline to consider?’
  • How will this affect attendance other recruitment events scheduled?

Who is the audience for the webinar?

  • Seeking new leads (folks who haven’t inquired before)
  • Provide more details to current prospects
  • Target specific audience to support enrollment goals – ex. underrepresented students
  • Yield activity for prospects/applicants further in the funnel

Who will present the webinar?

  • Will the program faculty advisor present?
  • Is there a staff person who can help provide information about the application process?
  • Would having a current student participate help provide more insight to prospective students? (Another option is to include a current student testimonial, either video or slide with picture/quote)

Roles and Responsibilities

The following outlines the various roles and responsibilities between the department and the graduate recruitment team.

College and/or Department

  • Submit GROW webform with details about the webinar
  • Work with College marketing coordinators for department and college level marketing through social media, event calendars, website posts or other places to post event information.
  • Additional outreach to potential groups including influencers, corporate partners, or other prospects not included in Salesforce lists. This could include emails to faculty colleagues at feeder schools, or programs without a graduate program. It could also include advertisements with professional organizations, industry connections or paid social media.
  • Online programs working with Digital Strategy and Innovation division may receive additional support for digital marketing efforts. Contact Karen Bollinger for details.

Graduate Recruitment Team

  • Set up webinar in Zoom using the account using details from the webform. This includes the registration for attendees for the webinar.
  • Will post on the Toulouse Graduate School and main UNT event calendar and provide link to registration form.
  • Work with Enrollment Systems (ENSYS) on email campaign to prospective students in Salesforce with interests in the program areas. See additional considerations below for more details.
    • Communications are automated and include:
        • Email invitation – depending on timing a second invitation can be sent
        • Email confirmation after registering
        • Email reminder 24 hours prior to event
        • Email follow up to both attendees and non-attendees that includes a link to the TGS webinar page for the recording
    • Will schedule practice sessions for event with presenters.
    • Day of event:
      • Will act as moderator for introduction
      • Help answer basic application or university questions in Q&A
      • Provide event report for attendees, non-attendees and chat transcript
      • Provide recording of webinar to live on the Toulouse Graduate School website and to department if desired

Get started

Are you ready to get started with a Graduate Recruitment Online Webinar?

Complete our web form to provide details about the event including date and time, session title, presenter details, etc.

Dana Mordecai will follow up with next steps.

To be most effective, a 30-day lead-time is requested in order to provide webinar set up and marketing saturation.

Additional items for consideration

Define your audience for the invitations

Initial invitations will focus on current prospects in Salesforce, but we will want more details on the following:

  • Majors for current grad prospects – this will include the majors in your college you want to market, plus any from outside your college that may have interest in your programs
  • Majors for current UNT undergrads – include any specific criteria (GPA, number of hours completed, etc)


Use these items when developing your presentations. Keep in mind any frequently asked questions from prospective students to help guide your presentation. You may also want to check with your college marketing team to ensure you are using the most up to date branded templates.

  • Program details and faculty overview
  • What makes your program worth applying to and enrolling in
  • Student/Alumni testimonials – either videos or static slides with pictures, or better yet include them as a presenter!
  • Examples of course/work schedules
  • Resources for students – department, Toulouse Graduate School, university, etc.
  • Cost and any scholarship/funding details – department, college, Toulouse Graduate School, university, etc.
  • Application process and deadlines – be specific!
  • Contacts for questions and follow up

Webinars are recorded and archived on the Toulouse Graduate School website. Please feel free to review to get an idea of the different ways these can be presented. We are eager to work with you on your specific needs for recruitment.

Please contact Dana Mordecai with questions about the GROW series program.