The Graduate Student Council (GSC) Special Election to fill the Vice President for Administration and Finance (VPAF) position is headed into a runoff. The results of the special election are below. Runoff information will be posted soon, so be sure to check back for updates!

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 Special Election Runoff for Vice President of Administration and Finance

Special Election: Runoff Information

The candidates for the Vice President Administration and Finance (VPAF) run-off are:

  • Sai Alekhya Mundru
  • Aravind Chitiprolu

Voting Opens: October 15, 2024, at 12:15 AM  

Voting Closes: October 18, 2024, at 12:15 AM

Special Election: Results

Below are the recorded votes for each eligible candidate.

  • Sai Alekhya Mundru: 560 votes (34.8%)
  • Aravind Chitiprolu: 432 votes (26.84%)
  • Sai Sri Kanuri: 348 votes (21.62%)
  • Shiva Sayi Shesshank Mamidi: 101 votes (6.27%)
  • Veena Chowdary Kavuru: 101 votes (6.27%)
  • Elsa Paulson: 67 votes (4.16%)
Sai Alekhya Mundru

election poster.Dear Graduate Students,

My name is Sai Alekhya Mundru, and I am pursuing my Master’s in Computer Science at the University of North Texas. I am excited to announce my candidacy for Vice President for Administration and Finance of the Graduate Student Council (GSC), the official voice and student government for UNT graduate students.

As your VP for Administration and Finance, I will be responsible for managing the GSC’s budget, coordinating resource allocation, and overseeing the council’s Administration. With my background in computer science, I bring a strong administration in organisation, budgeting, and strategic planning.I am committed to:

  1. Effective Budget Management: I will ensure that the GSC and other funding for student organisations and events, is managed responsibly and transparently.
  2. Advocating for Student Needs: Through careful budgeting and coordinating with the Senate and Executive Branch, I will ensure that I advocate for graduate students' needs and interests at all levels.
  3. Ensuring Transparency and Accountability: I will maintain accurate records of all Executive Committee meetings, including taking minutes, preparing them in electronic format, and ensuring they are stored properly. This will promote transparency within the council and keep all graduate students informed about our
    decisions and actions.

I am excited to serve and would be honoured to have your vote in the upcoming election.

Let’s work together to create a better Graduate Student experience at UNT.

Thank you,
Sai Alekhya Mundru
Candidate for GSC Vice President Administration and Finance

Aravind Chitiprolu

Dear UNT Graduate Students, 

My name is Aravind Chitiprolu, and I’m a master’s student in Computer Science running for Vice President of Finance and Administration. My vision is to enhance the transparency, efficiency, and responsiveness of our financial processes. 

I aim to use technology to improve budget management by introducing tools that track spending, giving us a clear view of how funds are utilized. This transparency will help build trust and ensure our financial decisions meet the needs of our graduate community. 

I also want to simplify the funding request process. I plan to develop an easy-to-use online system for quicker funding applications for your projects. To keep everyone informed, I will hold regular meetings and feedback sessions where you can share your ideas and receive updates on financial matters. 

By combining technology with open communication, we can create a financial system that better supports our goals and helps everyone access the resources they need. Thank you for considering me for this role. I’m excited about the opportunity to make a positive impact and work together with you. 

Best regards, 

Elsa Paulson

election poster

As a committed graduate student at the University of North Texas since August 2021 and a former 
Graduate Student Council (GSC) Senator, I have gained valuable insights into how GSC functions 
and its crucial role in advocating for graduate students. My experience serving in GSC from Spring 
2022 until Spring 2023 has given me a deep understanding of the council's operations and the 
importance of strong communication with university administration. I am confident that I am the 
most qualified candidate for the position of Vice President of Administration and Finance, not only 
because of my experience but also due to my dedication to improving the graduate student 
experience at UNT.

I am proud to have been part of this organization and am eager to take my involvement further by 
seeking this leadership position. Through my work with GSC, I aim to address several key issues 
that affect our student body:

  1. Enhancing Career Opportunities and Scholarship Access: During my master’s journey, I 
    faced challenges in navigating the internship and job search process. One critical area where we 
    can make a substantial impact is by improving career support and scholarship accessibility. Many 
    students struggle with tight deadlines for scholarship applications, often missing out on vital 
    financial support due to insufficient preparation time. Simultaneously, there is a need to advocate 
    for more companies to participate in career fairs and translate these interactions into real job 
    opportunities. If elected, I will work closely with GSC leadership and UNT officials to bring in 
    more committed employers and push for more flexible and transparent scholarship deadlines, 
    ensuring that students can effectively access both career and financial opportunities.
  2. Addressing Transportation Challenges: I have observed concerns regarding the university’s 
    transportation system. Recent changes have led to longer waiting times for some bus routes and a 
    lack of accessible stops near student residential areas further from campus. Additionally, students 
    have raised the need for a dedicated bus route or even a once-a-week shuttle service to the Frisco 
    campus, which would benefit those attending courses or events there. I will raise these 
    transportation issues with university officials and advocate for more reliable and inclusive 
    transportation services.
  3. Creating a Forum for Graduate Student Employees: I believe it’s essential to create a 
    platform where students working part-time at the university can share the challenges they face in 
    their roles. I will initiate a forum where graduate student employees can voice their concerns and 
    suggest improvements for their working conditions. This will foster better communication between 
    student employees and university administration, ensuring their concerns are addressed promptly 
    and effectively.

I am committed to advocating, connecting, and empowering the graduate student body. Together, we can continue to build a stronger, more inclusive graduate student experience at UNT. Thank 
you for considering my candidacy for Vice President of Administration and Finance. I look forward to the opportunity to serve and work on your behalf.

Sai Sri Kanuri

election poster

Honored Council

As a Computer Science graduate student at the University of North Texas, I believe my diverse skills and leadership experience make me an excellent fit for the role of Vice President of Administration & Finance (VPAF) for the Graduate Student Council (GSC). During my undergraduate studies, I served as Class Representative, co-founded the "Happy Club," and coordinated the Math Club, where I honed my abilities in event planning, budgeting, and student support. As a Campus Ambassador I had guided over 2000 students in various activities and worked with PhD lecturers on Design Thinking projects to solve local challenges.

At Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., I gained valuable experience as a Developer while leading initiatives that engaged employees and promoted well-being through events and Outreach programs. I also mentored students in government schools, teaching technology and academic skills with the eVidyaloka Team. This involvement led me to join the IFocus Organization, which promotes Positive Life Styles and became a part of the Panchatantra Workshop.

I had also participated as President and became a Runner-Up for the GSC Elections 2024-2025. Motivated by my
commitment and efforts, I am excited to participate in the VPAF role. I'm confident in my ability to contribute to the GSC and improve the graduate student experience at UNT.

Thank you for considering my application.

Sai Sri Kanuri

Shiva Sayi Shesshank Mamidi

election poster

Dear GSC Community,

I am Excited to announce my candidacy for the position of Vice President of Administration and Finance (VPAF) within the Graduate Student Council (GSC). With a passion for student advocacy and a proven track record in organizational management and budgeting, I am ready to take on this role and make a meaningful impact.

Why Vote for Me?

"Empowering Students, One Budget at a Time!" 
I bring hands-on experience in managing budgets for various student organizations, ensuring every dollar is maximized to benefit our community. My expertise in resource allocation and financial planning will ensure transparency and accountability in all GSC operations. 

Vision for GSC:

"Together, We'll Build a Stronger GSC!" 
If elected, I will focus on creating a culture of openness. I plan to enhance communication regarding our budget and decision-making processes, ensuring every voice is heard. By maintaining detailed records and taking accurate minutes at Executive Committee meetings, I will keep our community informed and engaged.

"Your Needs, Our Priority!" 
My goal is to prepare a comprehensive annual budget request that not only addresses our immediate needs but also invests in long-term initiatives that enrich the graduate student experience. Together, we can prioritize resources towards programs that truly benefit our community.

In summary, my commitment to transparency, efficiency, and collaboration makes me the ideal candidate for the VPAF role. I am dedicated to serving our graduate student comm unity, and I believe that together we can enhance the GSC's impact. 

"Vote for Change, Vote for Progress!"

Thank you for considering my candidacy. Let's work together for a vibrant and supportive graduate student experience!

Shiva Sayi Shesshank Mamidi 

Veena Chowdary Kavuru

election poster

I VEENA CHOWDARY KAVURU am  currently pursuing my masters in computer science.

I am a committed, well-organised person with a strong desire for leadership, and I am running for the Graduate Student Council's {GSC) Vice President of Administration and Finance position because I think I am uniquely qualified to oversee and improve our organization's internal operations. With a background in finance and administration, I have developed the skills necessary to oversee complex budgets, ensure resource allocations are efficient, and keep meticulous records that reflect transparency and accountability.

In this role, I will prioritize the proper management of GSC's budget, ensuring that funds are used to maximize their impact on student services and programming. I understand the importance of maintaining accurate financial records and will work diligently to prepare a thorough, well-documented annual budget request for the Student Service Fee Committee hearings. Additionally, I will maintain detailed minutes of all executive committee meetings to ensure that decisions are recorded and accessible to all members.

My goal is to ensure that GSC operates with financial prudence, organizational efficiency, and transparency. I will collaborate closely with the GSC President and other leaders to ensure that the internal affairs of our organization run smoothly. If necessary, I will step in to assume the duties of the President, bringing continuity and stability to GSC.

By bringing my expertise in financial planning and organizational management, I hope to foster a more transparent, well-coordinated, and efficient GSC that serves the needs of all graduate students. I am excited to bring positive change and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to our community.
