Through the recruitment, training and graduation of outstanding graduate students, the Toulouse Graduate School (TGS) enhances the research and instructional mission at the University of North Texas (UNT). Our graduate programs are the nucleus for scholarship, creative activity, community outreach and economic development. Graduate students expand their intellects, enrich their lives, and discover how the knowledge they gain at UNT can shape the public good for society.
We invite you to be part of this exciting endeavor. Your gift will support our efforts to enhance graduate education at UNT, including the following fellowships, scholarships and fund.
To find more ways you can support UNT and TGS, visit Giving to UNT.
Scholarship support is more important than ever to graduate students and are vital to providing many with their only form of support. Scholarships offered by the Toulouse Graduate School include the Academic Achievement Scholarship, Graduate Student Travel Awards and the Graduate Student Research and Fellowship Support Program.
Gifts to the Dean's Excellence Fund support the school's greatest needs, drawing on unrestricted revenue to provide the dean with the flexibility to fund scholarships, innovations, or programs critical to ongoing operations.