The 2024/2025 Travel Award is a competitive award that provides funding to support graduate students' presentation of research or creative activity. All applications must be supported by matching funds as described below, contain all required documentation and be signed by all parties before the deadline to be considered for this award.
Please thoroughly review the instructions below before submitting your application and contact us at if you have any questions.
Please use the following link to submit your application: Application for Spring 2025 Travel Award is Closed
Travel award applications may be submitted during the following three evaluation periods. Applications must be submitted, and travel must occur within the same academic year (Fall through Summer).
Evaluation Period #1
Fall Awards
For travel occurring after
September 1 and before August 31 |
Evaluation Period #2
Spring Awards
For travel occurring after
September 1 and before August 31 |
Evaluation Period #3
Summer Awards
For travel occurring after
September 1 and before August 31 |
Application opens: August 15
Deadline to apply: October 31 Announced by November 30
Application opens: December 20
Deadline to apply: February 28
Announced by March 29
Application opens: April 15
Deadline to apply: May 31
Announced by June 28
*Please note that ALL required signatures must be obtained by the deadline listed for the application to be considered. All applicants are highly encouraged to submit their applications at least 5 days prior to the deadline.
Please keep in mind that the process is competitive and applying does not guarantee an award.
Please remember that all requirements, documentation, and signatures must be completed before the application deadline in order to be considered for an award. All applicants are highly encouraged to submit their applications at least 5 days prior to the deadline.
Students must secure $100 to $500 in matching funds from their department, chair, advisor, or another appropriate source. Toulouse Graduate School will match these funds on a 1:1 basis. This means that students who have $100 in matching funds can receive $100 from Toulouse, whereas students who have $500 in matching funds can receive up to $500 from Toulouse.
Students will turn in all receipts and documentation to their department for reimbursement. Please do not submit forms to TGS.
Please follow the instructions detailed in your award letter to facilitate payment. You will need to contact your department for reimbursement instructions. You will need to submit receipts to your department no later than 2 weeks (14 days) after you return from your conference. Travel Awards are always reimbursed after you return from travel; we do not send funds in advance. If advance funding is needed, please contact the Student Money Management Center.
You will receive your travel award as a reimbursement processed by your department. Please contact your department representative for questions about your reimbursement status.
We do not roll applications over to the next evaluation period. You must apply during each period (within the same academic year that your travel occurred) if you wish to be considered for a travel award.
The Division of International Affairs administers the UNT International Travel Grant. The UNT International Travel Grant provides funding to UNT graduate students who receive a Toulouse Graduate School Travel Award to participate in a professional meeting abroad. Read more about the International Travel Award.
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